
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Loner’s Blues

It’s the last day of the year,

The days went so fast.

Many people came so near,

And then went so far.

All those moments they’ll never be back,

Wish I could hold them tight,

The good memory which I lack.

It’s the last day of the year,

I am a loner in my room.

Playing my good old guitar,

Singing to my own good self.

With a world around at its feet.

A wish never gets fulfilled.

It’s the last day of the year,

And the self shouldn’t be crying.

But the heart feels so void.

The tears never seem to dry.

The last words of the year,

The night begins to fade,

It’s the last day of the year,

The eyes reach out to the darkness.

The angels of hope kiss me,

Tells me to come out of the madness.

The new dawn will bring some light,

A ray at least to drive the scarry nights.

I sleep to their sweet lullaby,

And kiss the old year Goodbye!!!

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