
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Shards of Glass

Shards of Glass

Shards of glass,
Our paths, never they should’ve crossed.
Endless remorse,
Of the days that passed.
Shards of glass,
And a few memories lost.
Acceptance of the truth,
Or the lie that was.
Shards of glass,
Prick at their own will.
I dust them fast,
Tiny pieces stick still.
Piercing through the heart,
Now it pains no longer.
Shards of glass shine,
With the reflection of
The good ol' times.
Shards of glass,
Our paths, never they should’ve crossed...

Shards of Glass

Shards of Glass

Shards of glass,
Our paths, never they should’ve crossed.
Endless remorse,
Of the days that passed.
Shards of glass,
And a few memories lost.
Acceptance of the truth,
Or the lie that was.
Shards of glass,
Prick at their own will.
I dust them fast,
Tiny pieces stick still.
Piercing through the heart,
Now it pains no longer.
Shards of glass shine,
With the reflection of
The good ol' times.
Shards of glass,
Our paths, never they should’ve crossed...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sine Wave Ride

Many a times you stare into empty spaces,
Trying hard to find those distant faces.
Thoughts traveling at a speed of light,
Millions of archived moments bring down tears from your eyes.
Driving through the unsteady waves of life,
This is nothing but a Sine Wave Ride.

Many a times you wade through the pages of the past,
Words turn to holograms of the moment’s ever last.
A time machine wish and you could tick the clock flipside.
Through the rivers of emotions you just swim back and chide.
Amplified frequencies of turbulence you just can’t hide,
Bear the eccentricities of the Sine Wave ride.

Dreams come and go like a movie reel,
Some break and scatter into million pieces,
While some get lost in the galaxy of space.
I wish to go away,
But something always pulls me back.
Catapulting me back to your memories,
To and fro like a Sine wave rollercoaster ride.

Again the tears begin to flow

Again the tears begin to flow,
Just like the way it always did before.
Taking with it all the happy moments,
Till the heart dries up with the agony and feels hollow.

Again through the tears I begin to wade,
Till the breath, it goes out of my reach.
Drowning away from the misery of dreams,
Your memories, slowly it begins to fade.

Many times I tried to resist,
Not to fall in a trap I knew so well.
Expectations were high like the mountains,
From the dizzying heights I terribly fell.

Again the dark clouds loom large over me,
Like a never ending epidemic or a mad disease.
Again the raining drops of tears I try to feel.
Wet in the winter sorrow I slowly begin to cease.

Again the tears begin to flow,
In the same way it always did before.
It’s better to live all by your own,
Than expect your tears to be wiped from the unknown.
Another story goes incomplete and the lyric is low,
The heart like glass it breaks and scatters,
And again the tears begin to flow!!!

Angels of Mercy

Doors of salvation welcome me inside,
To take me home, to show me the bright lights.
White robes of mercy wash away the pain of flowing blood,
Enlightens me and purifies.
All the darkness through which I cried,
My tears have found eternity in the angels,
Who nurse it away.
I find a single ray of light.
Holding hands it sets me free, none other than,
The Angels of Mercy.

Nurturing the wounds which laid a horrible wreath,
For all these years I was killed constantly by the angel of death.
Crucifying me on the cross of uncertainty,
I am walking on the glasses of broken heart.
Piercing my every skin like a poisoned dart.
You resurrected me from the impeccable hell,
The gongs bleeding my ears constantly with their unvarying knell.
Lifted me from my own twisted me,
Bringing me back to a person I always wanted to be.
How I wish I always be with thee,
To constantly rescue me, love me, to set me free,
My Angels of Mercy…

Angels of Death

Love is such a bad feeling,
Always hurts you with no heart healing
I tried not to give in too much
Failed and lost myself to rush
It’s always easier in believing
Time only tells you how much are you bleeding
How I felt we should have never met
When I met your angels of death…

So much trust I threw on you
So much to take and so much to give
You took it all for granted
But in blinded me, your face is forever haunted
Tried hard to make it forget
Since I kissed your angel of death

I kept looking for answers from you
For all the questions I threw on you
Waiting forever I am about to fall
But you never returned that call
Into submission I try to break free
Wishing I will be saved by an angel of mercy
On my past life I lay a wreath
The past which was killed by you,

My Angel of Death!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rain, when it falls on me
I sense the same old strange feeling
The touch of someone's hand is it?
I am sure it must be you again

The rain drops remind me of you.
And I would love it to be so true
While they fall high from the sky
Its gonna be always me, to catch those rain drops you cry.

The sun, when it shines
And the lips, And the way u smile
Now the light shines through everything
With your love I am the enlightened me

Why do the rays of god shine so bright
Still the glow of ur face seems more than that
Your presence near me is all I need
I feel lost when you sunset, so please shine on me

The rain, the sun they dont matter
Jus wanna hold you, dont go farther
As I wait till it cries no rain
As I feel ur presence through all the shinin rays

These words find themselves with no name,
Just like the bond that we both share.
No conclusion to this endless feeling,
The rain, the rays will always keep me dreaming...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

En compañía de ángeles

En compañía de ángeles

In the company of angels,
In this world where peace is buried and hate sells.
In the wake of the sudden changes,
In the buried closets of memories and untold phrases.

The increasing hints you give of drifting far away,
They sound as death knells and I often slip into an empty space.
Those thoughts often awake me with the spells of fright,
I try to vanquish those demons, and nap through the bright lights.

You are the one I think of all the time,
Leaving behind the scope for anything to shine,
Defibrillating my heart with all the reality,
Everyone trying to pacify me with the doses of unclear clarity.

In the company of angels,
I fight another battle.
In the wake of these changes,
I try to bring back my scattered energies and tackle.

En compañía de ángeles
I search to bring you back,
In this last fight for survival,
Stay to make me live, and never wave goodbye…
